Monthly Archives: November 2014

1st Advent



an avalanche

of snowflakes

deep inside my heart

dance with gentleness


a quiet spot

of advent

under the snow

we rejoice

with love

Under the Snow

3D Christmas Yumm-Yumm

3D printed cookies
Ho Ho Ho
so good looking

santa 3D cookie


Today, publish a post based on unused material from a previous piece

i was still working on this pic for yesterday’s post when time ran out. so i’m glad for this present it today



The Perfekt Xmas Cookies

0 3D Printed Christmas cookies

Never again will my Xmas cookies be a failure.

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These are my last years efforts: a pretty poor sight even though they tasted good. (I might also add in my favor that the heat in Australia does not help to bake at Christmas time)

With the new technology of a 3D printer, this malheur is a matter of the past.

In future my Xmas cookies will be perfect.

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It’s this simple: first you create your design on the computer (or download one if you wish to make it even easier)


then you fill the cartilage with the cookie dough (I guess special mixtures will be available at the bakery or printing departments)


you insert the cartilage into the printer


and watch4

how a perfect cookie is formed5

next you put the print-out in the oven, set the timer to baking cookies so they will not burn and then push the right button.


Out come your perfect print-outs (I mean cookies of course) and you can enjoy to present them to your keenest critics.9

All done with this fabulous machine hardly the size of your oven and it will fit into your kitchens easily because you can get rid of so many outdated kitchen appliances.

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I start saving now !

pingback: What’s the most elaborate, complicated meal you’ve ever cooked? Was it a triumph for the ages, or a colossal fiasco?

Calamity on Flight VN242

Le Pho

This day was never a good day for Kym cuc. Breakfast had started alright, the tea was strong and fragrant, the buffet had catered all her favorite dishes and the short flirts with a businessman at her table as well as with the concierge left her self-confident and trusting Quan Yin to be on her side.

Today Kym cuc was going to acquire a painting. She had flown into Hong Kong from Hanoi the night before for that sole purpose. An oil on canvas by Le Pho, a country-man of hers. It was a unique painting.

Kym cuc possessed quite an art collection. Some she had inherited from her father and lately she had ventured into securing a few impressive works with a safe collectors potential. She had learned enough to know what to look for. And this painting had caught her eye.

The original had been bought by a governor of Tonkin, a French colonial province in northern Vietnam in 1937 and was titled “View From the Hilltop”. From Hanoi it was shipped to Paris and eventually to Oslo where the Frenchman’s grandson Patrick Lorenzi, the owner, is based.

Today this painting was up for auction at Christie’s Hong Kong and Kym cuc estimated it might go for around 4 mio HK dollars, considering the last Vietnamese auction record a year ago was 3.03 mio HK$. It was not her usual purchase for investment. She loved this painting. It pleased her emotionally.

It sold for HK$6.52 million ($840,000). Kym cuc was near tears when the price was rising and rising and she was unable to bid any higher.

Now she sat in a window seat in the late afternoon flight VN242 from Hong Kong back to Hanoi. The two seats beside her were empty and she never would have guessed that her day could get worse.

Just before the plane would get ready for departure, a couple arrived in a hurry, shoved luggage in the overhead lockers and settled into the seats next to Kym cuc. She had been annoyed and had been looking out the window, grumbling, but when she finally gave a glance to her neighbors-in-flight, she couldn’t help herself to lose control immediately and started yelling at the man next to her.

“No way will you sit next to me with that woman on your side! Go! Get out of here. Go! Sit somewhere else.”

The man obviously very embarrassed tried to calm her. But Kym cuc was like a wild bull buffalo. “No way! If you don’t go then let me out of here. I will not sit next to you and that woman.”

Anh dung still tried his best to save the explosive situation and asked Kym cuc to sit quietly and not to make a scene. At that Kym cuc addressed the woman next to Anh dung “You stole him from me. Give me my peace and leave me alone. Let me out of here”. When Doan vien also tried to calm her, Kym cuc reached over to Doan vien to push her to get up so she could get out from her caged-in seat. Doan vien shrieked at that and hit Kym cuc in the face and reached for her stiletto which Kym cuc managed to grab and started hacking into Anh dung screaming “Let me out! Let me out!”. Doan vien had managed to unbuckle herself again to get up from her seat and viciously started kicking Anh dung: “You never told me about this tramp. Who is she? How dare you!”

A stewardess and a group of other passengers were not able to help and were glad to give way when airport security arrived to escort the trio and their hand-luggage back into the terminal.

Finally back home Kym cuc was still furious. Vietnam Airline had fined her and Doan vien each VND 7.5 million ($350) and let Anh dung off the hook. They argued, while Kym cuc and Doan vien were still yelling, Anh dung was innocent, tried to keep the peace and was himself attacked by the two women.

Innocent! Yeah right!

red-heart klpingback

impulsive beat

my heart beats

in crisp’ impulses

of flowing anxiety

needing to cool off

like the wind

burnt on hot sand


Tina in Love


we are popular enough to be eaten by those who walk and breath on land we surely don’t need to linger around them. we wouldn’t if it was not for Tina.

Tina is different to all of us, but that does not mean we do not like her as any of us others. but Tina ….., see, all our names is Tuna, Southern Bluefin Tuna to be exact, but her would like to be called Tina.

she thinks she is a mermaid.

we all love a good feed of a variety of marine animals. Tina has it in her mind to catch a marine biologist. she thinks they are the greatest thing in and around the water.

there is one in particular, who seems to chase her a lot. he might have noticed something odd about Tina so Tina imagines he is in love with her as she is in love with him. i don’t think so.

well, ok, she is a bit different. usually any of us endures around a 10 degree higher water temperature than our normal range of approximately 18 degree. Tina can do more. she can endure up to 30 to 35 degree. that gives her the ability to stay longer near by the land. and she does. i think that is why that marine biologist is interested in her. i don’t think he recognized her as being a mermaid. even if he would, he wouldn’t like her fishy breath.

Tina however is convinced he is mad about her for her beauty. yes, she is a bit different to us. her odd range of temperature gives her also the ability to dive deeper and deeper into the ocean which she does a lot. she proves to us that her scales are so shiny because she is not as dark as some of us who happened to be exposed longer to the Great Australian Bright. just as well. i think the reason this marine biologist has not caught her yet is because of her vanity. after flirting with him she always escapes to bathe again and extensively in the dark.

if we are not waiting for Tina to return from her marine biologist then we wait for Tina to return from the dark. it puts us at risk when we have to wait for Tina. as it is, those men get about 20’000 of us a year. we are at the brink of extinction.


Panna Czinka Hungarian violinist

1 Panna czinka

Panna Czinka ( 1711-1772)

Panna Cinka was a famous Hungarian violinist. Legend has it that she started playing the violin at the age of 9.

Her father was a court musician of Ference Rákoczy II, Prince of Transilvania amongst other titles and engagements who is still today considered a national hero in Hungary. Her father is said to be the componist of the Rákóczi March.

She studied music and later combined her musical talent with her brothers-in-law and her Romani musician husband. She formed a famous band and played first violin in that ensemble.

Panna was born in Sajógömör, Hungary, which today is annexed to Slovakia. She was a lyric poet musician and she still survives today lovingly called “The Gypsy Sappho” and she is celebrated by composers like Jókai, Kodály and Dózsa in their works.

Cinka Panna played by the “Bohemiens”

ETA :: “Surely Hungarian fiddle music IS gypsy music? Yet within the country you will find considerable resentment towards this stereotype, and, whilst there is much appreciation of the skill of gypsy fiddlers, it is considered to be Hungarian music, not gypsy music, and the widespread revival in folk music since the seventies has been largely non-gypsy in origin. The controversy is not a new one. (”

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3 lassu_ciganytanc_vajdakamaras tudasbazis.sulinet. hu

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Cigány himnusz

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9 baranyafolk.uw. hu

Tiszafüred Táncegyüttes – Szucsági táncok


click here for more contributions to the Ready, Set, Done! the ten-minute free-write


Those Love Hearts

I’m going to have a heart attack

I’m so excited

so happy

if only I could jump higher

if only my tail would wag faster

sssh sssh


I must calm myself

lay on my back and….

no not today

today you let me be part of your post

if only I could run in circles faster

you know

I’m so proud of you

so happy

no matter what you write

I just love you

love you love you

if only my eyes would shine

as bright as the stars

ssssh ssssh


that last post you wrote

is so interesting

and I loved it

when we listened to the heart sutra

at least 15 times in a row

I felt so good

laying at your feet

your feet I would follow anywhere

and those love hearts

that’s how I feel about you

I love you I love you so much

and dinner last night

was excellent I thank you so much

I kiss your ankle

I want to jump all around you

jump up into your lap

ssssh sssssh



The Treasure Map

fusion in the heat of cold

The Treasure Map

bbc . com

Arrrrgh, what arrogance to call me when I’m playing cyber-games! Nevertheless did she activate the transmitter that her processor had used to ring.

What, she barked in her head causing the receiver at the other end to flinch in pain. But her assistant knew that his boss would love this message and bravely replied with an unmistakable you better get here quick.

Well, that’s what she was waiting for. She immediately understood and raced to her body to teleport herself to the archaeological dig-out she was operating in the no-where of never never Australia.

In no time did she arrive where her workers in still ageing dirty bodies were pressure-blasting clay downhill and exposing a row of dwellings, houses is, what they used to be called. She had known it would be an easy dig, plenty of water from the ocean not far away, the ground had…

View original post 489 more words

The Snow Leopard


……. and then my dear friend the snow leopard said: “when I was a boy living in Tibet I used to retreat to a roaring waterfall and tried to out sing it”. that’s how he trained his voice.


‘Crane Nomad Song’ and ‘Snow Lion’ by Tenzin Choegyal and the Metta String Ensemble

crane, lend us your wings so we can fly

red-heart kl

heart sutra

red animated-heart-gif-31

Second-Hand Stories